
  • 在线学习你最喜欢的部分是的什么?
  • 重返校园后,你最期待的事情是什么?


仔细阅读所有的参赛作品后,由各班主任老师商议评选出每个班级的优胜作品。 在此,感谢每一位同学积极参与本次比赛,每一件作品均优质上乘!






一年级龙班 张羽沃

Grade 1 – Dragon (Ariel)




一年级狮子班 何迦一

Grade 1 – Lion (Katie)


一年级熊猫班 陈品睿

Grade 1 – Panda (Elliot)



二年级龙班 潘隆欣

Grade 2 – Dragon (Lucas)


二年级狮子班 郑钰霏

Grade 2 – Lion (Apple)



二年级熊猫班 杨柳依

Grade 2 – Panda (Lili)



三年级龙班 薄馨云

Grade 3 – Dragon (Cindy)


三年级狮子班 孔庆欣

Grade 3 – Lion (Ella)


三年级熊猫班 李一馨

Grade 3 – Panda (Emma)


四年级龙班 朱梓卿

Grade 4 – Dragon (Zoe)



四年级狮子班 瞿子轩

Grade 4 – Lion (Oscar)


四年级熊猫班 田恒伊

Grade 4 – Panda (Ivonne)



四年级老虎班 宋泽恺

Grade 4 – Tiger (Bosco)


五年级龙班 吴子由

Grade 5 – Dragon (lucy)


五年级狮子班 金言潇

Grade 5 – Lion (Shawn)


五年级熊猫班 谭芷珩

Grade 5 – Panda (Laura)



五年级老虎班 刘子涵

Grade 5 – Tiger (Stephanie)


Quotable Quotes….

一年级龙班 隋雨唐 G1 Dragon – Anna

一年级龙班 郭嘉依 G1 Dragon – Cannie

一年级龙班 郑宇涵 G1 Dragon – Johnny

一年级龙班 Sophie G1 Dragon – Sophie


‘I was very nervous to learn with the whole grade, my hands became icy cold, they looked like a snowman’s hand covered in the morning snow.’

—— 郁闻然 四年级狮子班 Katherine G4 Lion


‘We don’t need to wear our school uniforms, we can wear pyjamas in class.’

—— 黄紫熙 四年级狮子班  Lucy G4 Lion


“I enjoyed seeing you and my friends in the online lessons. It is really like being with you in the classroom like normal.”

—— 米奕萱 五年级熊猫班 Elaine G5 Panda


“I am looking forward to seeing your familiar, friendly faces on May 18th”

—— 米奕萱 五年级熊猫班 Elaine G5 Panda


‘During online learning we learnt two main factors: self discipline and responsibility’

—— Maahir 五年级狮子班 Maahir G5 Lion


‘I miss school a lot because I think the environment of school is made for learning’

—— 江尚锦 五年级狮子班 Ariel G5 Lion


The very first thing I want to do is meet my teacher and friends, first thing in the morning.

—— Annabelle Q. 三年级龙班 Annabelle Q. G3 Dragon


It’s much easier to talk and discuss at school, no more Internet problems, yay!

—— Annabelle Q. 三年级龙班 Annabelle Q. G3 Dragon


I really want to go back to the lively school and play with my friends or talk with them

—— 贾玥灵 三年级龙班 LingLing G3 Dragon


I remember that one time, my friend raced me for a long time, and when she caught me, we all lied down on the playground grass .

—— 贾玥灵 三年级龙班 LingLing G3 Dragon


When I return to school, I want to learn more math and science because math is complicated and lots of students can’t answer questions, I like to answer questions so I like that subject.

—— 朱禹泽 三年级龙班 Michael Zhu G3 Dragon


I also hope we can learn English in the school because Mr Matt could teach me more knowledge and provide reading ability.

—— 林子健 三年级龙班 Tony Lin G3 Dragon


My home learning was difficult and exhausting, but good and happy.

—— 胡梓彤 三年级龙班 Crystal G3 Dragon


I’m really looking forward to Halloween because I can dress up in a scary costume, it’s exciting to think about that.

—— 谢蕊瞳 三年级龙班 Rene G3 Dragon


When I am at home, I could list my timetable. I could also finish my homework earlier, so I have more time to review what I learned today with mom.

—— 周沐白 三年级龙班 Amili G3 Dragon